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A Village of Support

We Aren’t Meant to Do Life Alone

It’s your heart of gold that makes it possible for Thornwell to provide a three-year-old kindergarten program at our Child Development Center. And it’s your meaningful gifts that are changing the lives of children and families like three-year-old Gracelyn and her mom, Stacey. 

Gracelyn was born with Down syndrome, meaning she has an extra chromosome, which changes how her body and brain develop.

Stacey shared, “Most parents assume their kid will graduate high school, even college, get married, and so on! But when you have a special needs child, those things feel more like wishful thinking than anything else.

You can imagine, then, being a mom like Stacey–doing her best to overcome the challenges that seemed destined for Gracelyn’s life. It was a priority for her to find a high-quality learning environment that would not just care for Gracelyn’s basic needs, but care for her emotional, physical, spiritual, and academic needs–and as a child with special needs.

“Thornwell’s willingness to accept Gracelyn and work with me as a parent has meant the world to us!”

Child Development Center Director Jenn Adams said, “It’s important to us to work with each family’s unique circumstances and Gracelyn’s condition makes her no different. We have strong partnerships with regional therapists who visit the center to meet with Gracelyn to ensure she’s exercising her mind and body at her own pace.


Teachers and therapists work alongside one another, also with mom and dad, to ensure consistent and comprehensive care.

Thank you for believing in exceptional care! 

This type of support also means Stacey can maintain a healthy work life to support her family and not miss work for therapy appointments.

You’ve given a beautiful gift to this working mom–peace of mind! Thank you!

Because you care, Gracelyn is in a traditional classroom with accommodations to support her growth. It’s your love that has made a way.

Stacey said, “Thornwell has turned our wishful thinking into dreams for the future. Gracelyn will be a joyful and productive Christian woman in this world! Thank you for giving her a chance! Thank you for giving her a future!”

Thornwell has turned our wishful thinking into dreams for the future. Gracelyn will be a joyful and productive Christian woman in this world!

The Lord so beautifully and wonderfully knit Gracelyn together in her mother’s womb and the prosperous plans for her life are beginning to unfold.

You make it possible for families like Stacey and Gracelyn to experience the love and acceptance of our Father and hope for a brighter future! 

Thank you for making a difference!

You can give today and impact more children like Gracelyn.

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