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Thornwell Emphasis Month 2024

Digital Materials Available NOW!

Thornwell Emphasis Month represents a long-standing tradition of faithful friends who so generously advocate for Thornwell and bring awareness to the needs that exist within our communities. We hope you will consider joining us as we share how God is working through children and families being supported by programs here at Thornwell!

In addition to our printed materials, we are offering digital materials to ensure your church can participate in Thornwell Emphasis Month 2024 in whichever way works best for you! The deadline to order printed materials is September 15th.

We invite you to join us in celebrating our shared ministry to children and families!

With these materials, you’ll be equipped with a bundle of resources to tell the story of our Father and how He’s leading us to care for the least of these. To participate, simply download the digital materials you’d like to use below.

An order form to order printed materials online can be found on this landing page until our September 15th print deadline.

The need is great, but together we are transforming communities one family at a time. 

Digital Materials

Video Ministry Spotlights | NEW VIDEOS FOR 2024!

In each of the four weeks of November, we will be celebrating Thornwell Emphasis Month together!

Feel free to use any or all of the video ministry spotlights to share more about Thornwell’s mission and impact with your congregation. 

Print Materials for Download

Church Bulletin Insert

Ministry Spotlights

Children's Curriculum

Share Thornwell Emphasis Month on Social Media

To raise awareness for the children and families served by Thornwell, you can share about our ministry on social media!

Here are some caption ideas:

  1. Thornwell has dedicated the entire month of November to building FOUNDATIONS IN HOPE! Partner with us to change communities one family at a time. Learn more or donate now at [insert link:].
  2. Thornwell Emphasis Month is your chance to help lay Foundations in Hope for hurting children and families. Make a gift to Thornwell today and become a beacon of support. Learn more or donate now at [insert link:].
  3. Join us this November in building Foundations in Hope. YOU can be the cornerstone of change by supporting Thornwell’s mission. Learn more or donate now at
  4. This year’s Thornwell Emphasis Month focuses on building Foundations in Hope as we empower communities, one family at a time. YOUR gift will make all the difference. Give now at [insert link:].
  5. Celebrate Thornwell Emphasis Month with us and help build Foundations in Hope. Together, we can empower communities one family at a time! Learn more or donate now at [insert link:].
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