During the first five years of life, children are busy learning skills, making connections, and forming relationships that affect their adult lives. Under the guidance of qualified teachers, Thornwell Child Development Center provides an educational program that emphasizes growth in all developmental areas—social, emotional, physical, cognitive (intellectual), and spiritual—as a holistic, interrelated process. Serving children from birth through age four, each child, each teacher, and each parent is accepted as a person of worth, value, and respect.
Thornwell Child Development Center is committed to developmentally appropriate teaching methods and techniques. Play is the language of children and the foundation of quality preschools. Through play, the developmental needs of young children are met. Using developmentally appropriate practices, Thornwell teachers support and promote optimal development in the areas most important to young children: establishing a sense of trust and safety, developing a sense of autonomy with connectedness, realizing a sense of empowerment and worth, forming an appreciation of diversity among people; constructing the foundations of morality and social responsibility; and having opportunities for meaningful play. The learning environment is rich, varied, warm, stimulating, and safe for young children’s healthy development.
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