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Serving God’s Children | Foster Care Awareness Month

The decision to become foster parents was not an easy one. In fact, for 5 years I was steadily explaining to the Lord why His timing was not right for me and my family to become a foster family. I was at a time in my life when I was looking for something more meaningful to do with my time. I also had an insatiable passion for children. Foster care seemed to be the solution, but two fears kept me from making the leap. They may be the same ones keeping you from starting your own journey. 

How will bringing other children into our home affect our own children? 

How will we have the strength to love them as our own and then let them go? 

Our two sons were in high school and middle school. They were “all in” as much as any of us could be, not having a clue about the world we were about to see and become a part of. Their lives and their hearts were dramatically enriched by loving, and helping care for the children who came in and out of our home. So much so, my youngest son wrote about his “big brother” experience in his application for acceptance to law school. One of his quotes read

“The innocent faces of the 40 plus abused and neglected children who have become my brothers and sisters over the past 10 years, are the faces that keep me up at night and wake me up in the morning. They are the faces that I saw each late night spent in the college library in pursuit of my degree, and the faces that inspired me to spend a summer in an orphanage in Mozambique, Africa. Most importantly, these faces are the reason I am applying to law school. The faces of hope these children had when they left us are the faces I hope to give a voice to each time I have the honor of representing them as an attorney.” 

Loving a child fiercely and having to let them go is hard, it is painful, and it seems to never get any easier. After saying our final good-bye to our first foster child after 2 ½ years, I remember saying to my husband “why would we ever do this again?” We did it again and again because it is not about us. The need is great and behind this child is another child deserving of a safe, loving, temporary home. It is also a beautiful way to attempt to mimic God’s selfless, steadfast, sacrificial, and unconditional love for us! 

Being a foster parent has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding thing I have ever done. What I have learned is we all have fears and weaknesses , but the Lord knows them and wants to use us anyway. He has allowed my family the privilege and the blessing of serving His children, despite my fears, excuses, and delay tactics.                                                                  

Jason Johnson, a well-known foster parent, writer, and speaker says it best,

“Sometimes the hard will make you question why you ever said ‘yes’. But the beautiful will leave you wondering why you didn’t say it sooner.”


Peggy Nibert

Thornwell Read Right Director


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