Support Families in Your Community

Every April, we recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month, and in this season, it takes on an even deeper meaning. Stress levels are rising due to school cancellations, work closings, and more, and social distancing measures can further isolate families who were already under strain.
In light of all of this, we are continuing our blog series to highlight the ways we all can help our families and our communities remain strong, safe, and healthy. Simple things such as managing our stress, finding and maintaining social connections, and seeking support—and encouraging others to do the same—will make a difference.
Last week, we listed a few practical ways you can support your kids in this time of social distancing. You can read those here.
Today, we want to give you practical ways you can support families in your community during this uncertain time:
- Help struggling families with basic needs. If there are families you know who can’t leave the house or have had work hours cut, do what you can to help. Leave dinner or kid-friendly snacks on their porch or offer to make grocery and pharmacy runs for them if they’re unable to. Even an encouraging note or phone call will make a world of difference and remind them that they’re not alone!
- Learn about the organizations in your area that are helping children and families. We are supporting families in FL, GA, and SC, and you can view the complete list of Children’s Trust partners here. Don’t hesitate to reach out to any of these organizations if you need help. You can also connect those you know who need support to them, share their work on your social media, and encourage others to help by spreading the word or giving donations.
- Look out for each other. Learn to recognize signs of distress in a friend or family member and know where you can go for help. Extend grace and kindness to yourself, your family, and others in your community in this uncertain time, and don’t be ashamed to seek out or offer help. We all need support right now!
In the final blog in this series, we will share tips on taking care of yourself so you can keep your family strong. Follow along to see more!
If you have questions or need support during this time, you can contact us here or call 864.938.2100. We’re here for you!
For more information about these topics, visit our partners at Children’s Trust of SC and Darkness to Light.