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The Balance Has Tipped


I know it’s Spring when I see their little green shoots poking up from the ground outside my office window.  At first glance, it looks the same as any other winter day – the chill is still biting, and the grass and trees are still brown.

But the balance has tipped.  

Cold, dark winter will give way to sunshine and if I can just hang in there a little longer, my bright cheery daffodils will soon be blooming! Waiting patiently is not a strength of mine; daffodils may be the worst possible match for my temperament! You plant bulbs in the ground 6 months before you will ever see a plant grow. In the waning days of late Fall you get your hands dirty, shed some sweat and then….wait.  Just wait! The plant must be left to work its magic underground and I am left to hope and pray that something results from my labor. The payoff, though, is incredible! The daffodils bloom and expand every year, each plant multiplying itself over time.

The balance tips. Waiting gives way to life. 

Thank goodness there are many at Thornwell who have the patience to plant programs during those long, cold days of late Fall. Ideas are dreamed, plans designed, and then we go about the hard work of planting. Then, the truly hard work is in the waiting. As I watch my daffodils bloom, I’m mindful of the work Thornwell undertook in prior seasons which has resulted in the continuum of community-based services we now so proudly offer. The Building Families, Foster Care and Strengthening Families programs didn’t exist 10 years ago. Thornwell planted them in faith and has waited with patience while they put down roots.

And now the balance has tipped.  

Spring has arrived and the labor invested these last 10 years is giving way to life. Our community-based programs are growing to reach more children and families each year. Like daffodils, our programs have the unique ability to multiply their impact – each family is touched by a spark that will hopefully bring about long-term, multi-generational change. The type of change that breaks cycles of abuse, neglect and family stress resulting in healthier families, and healthier communities.

The balance has tipped for families who can access support from a caring professional without ever leaving the convenience of their living room.

The balance has tipped for children needing a loving place to call home while their parents receive the support they need to safely care for them again.

The balance has tipped for Thornwell, who has been patiently waiting for these programs planted in hope to give way to life. Our presence in the community has allowed Thornwell to be responsive to changes in the child welfare system and has broadened Thornwell’s reach to individuals and communities who might not otherwise ever step foot on our beautiful campus.

Each time I see the sweet daffodils outside my office window, I am reminded to celebrate new life. But I am also committing myself to celebrate the balance. To be patient through the hard work of planting, and the truly hard work of waiting. Thank you for the work you do every day to impact the lives of children and families. I pray you continue to see the balance tip in their lives as well as your own.

Contributing writer: Morgan Ednie, Vice President for Strategic Impact

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