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Thornwell Emphasis Month | Minutes for Mission | Josiah’s Story

The mission of Thornwell is to prevent child abuse and neglect, build and reunite families, and support healthy communities in the name of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1875 in Clinton, SC, by a Presbyterian minister to care for orphans from the Civil War, Thornwell still cares for children who’ve experienced trauma while providing innovative ministries to strengthen families throughout Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Thornwell’s theme this Emphasis Month is “Pathways to Prayer.”

Do you remember Jesus’ parable of the path, rocks, thorns, and fertile soil? A sower goes out into the field and spreads his seeds. The seeds that fall along the path get eaten by birds. The seeds that fall on the rocky earth become scorched by the sun. The seeds that fall beneath the thorns get choked in the thickets. Finally, some seeds fall on rich soil and produce “a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”

Many of the children that Thornwell serves have been removed from their homes because of circumstances beyond their control. These children are cared for and supported by Thornwell because of the generosity of churches and people like you. Youth in our programs have been led through their rocky and thorny paths and have found their “fertile soil” in a Christ-centered environment. You help create new pathways and opportunities!

Matthew 13:23 says: “But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”

Thornwell cares for hurting children by giving them a loving home, feeding and clothing them, and providing therapy for psychological healing. Most importantly, Thornwell nurtures faith in God. Some children learn about and experience God for the first time. Often these children with very little are the first to give what they can to help others in need.

Josiah’s Story

When Josiah arrived at Thornwell during his freshman year of high school, he was failing every class. He felt hopeless and wasn’t sure that life had much to offer him. However, his teaching parents, tutors, and campus mentors gave him all the tools he needed to get his grades back on track. They surrounded him with love and brought him to church, where he learned for the first time how much God loved him! He was experiencing the goodness of God, and it led to a deep and meaningful relationship with Christ. He was saved his sophomore year and has never looked back!

Today, he is a high school senior and has already been accepted to college to become a minister! Because people like you supported programs that planted seeds in the fertile soil of Josiah’s life, he will spread seeds of his own by working with young people so they can know they matter to God!

Because you give, Josiah will continue to give. Friends in Christ, let us follow Josiah’s example! Together, lets lay the path for fertile soil and serve Jesus by giving generously to Thornwell. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those in need.

To give visit: Give – Thornwell – Building Tomorrow’s Families

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