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Thornwell May Devotional – Wipe the Ash Away

In Genesis 39, we read about Joseph who has been sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused of adultery by his bosses’ wife, thrown in prison and (if we continue into chapter 40) ultimately forgotten by the people he has tried to help. This story would be utterly depressing if statements like this weren’t peppered throughout the chapter:

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man…” v.2

“…his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made everything he did successful” v.4

“…the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house because of Joseph…” v.5

 “But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him…” v.21

“…the Lord was with him, and the Lord made everything that he did successful.” v.23

So the picture we get of Joseph in Genesis 39 is of a man who is continually jerked around and abused, all the while swimming in the faithful presence and favor of God.

If you are anything like me, when you think of being overwhelmed by the presence and blessing of God you aren’t imagining being kidnapped and labeled a dangerous sex predator. Those two ideas seem to be at odds. We want the favor and success Joseph had but are happy to trash everything else! In fact, usually when that trash is present in our own stories, we view it as evidence of God’s disfavor or distance.

But what if, my friends, what if – when our eyes are stinging from the billows of smoke pouring out of the dumpster infernos, we find ourselves in, God is smiling upon us, surrounding us with his love, and empowering us to move through the flames?

What if, like Joseph in ancient Egypt, we are so favored by God that we have been placed, here, now, in these trials to overcome them and impact the faith of generations to follow?

What if God wants you to be successful, but it just happens to be in a prison, in a dead-end job, or in home situation where you don’t feel loved or appreciated?

Joseph’s story upends our perception of blessing. It is challenging, but, it is also encouraging.

If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, by default you are swimming in the faithful presence and favor of God. Sometimes we just can’t see it through all the smoke.

Here is something you can try:

  1. Pause completely. (Really, just stop what you are doing.)
  2. Exhale, in complete surrender to Christ.
  3. Inhale, willingly receiving His will and purposes.
  4. Ask, “God, what do you want me to accomplish?”
  5. Linger & Listen for His response.
  6. Be obedient.

Think of this as stopping long enough to allow God to wipe the ash from your eyes.

Whatever trash is catching fire today in your life, if it is God’s will I hope he stomps it out, but if He doesn’t, may the Spirit embolden and enlighten you for the mighty work you’ve been called to accomplish.

You are blessed!

Psalm 113:7-8 reads:

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the trash heap to seat them with nobles, with the nobles of his people.”

Contributing writer, Adam Hafenbridle

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