You’re Invited | Thornwell Home of Peace Dedication!

Join us for a time to gather and celebrate the dedication of the
Home of Peace as our Welcome Center and Museum.
Home of Peace as our Welcome Center and Museum.
Friday, September 29th
10:00AM – 11:30AM
10:00AM – 11:30AM
302 South Broad Street
Clinton, SC 29325

Thornwell began as a dream in the heart of a young Presbyterian minister, William Plumer Jacobs, of First Presbyterian Church in Clinton, SC.
The Home of Peace was the original residence of Dr. William Plumer Jacobs. In his home, Dr. Jacobs and his wife, Mary, welcomed the first children to find a refuge at Thornwell.
Join us as we celebrate The Home of Peace serving as a welcome center to all, sharing the remarkable legacy, and the incredible journey of Dr. Jacobs’ life and the Thornwell ministry.
Kindly respond to Rebecca Boland Cox if you plan to attend,
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