You’ve Helped Families Find Peace in the Pandemic!

More than a year into the pandemic, single mom, Autumn, and her son, Jamie, were struggling. Autumn lost her full-time job, making money extremely tight. Her grandfather – a man who provided them stability and care – died from COVID complications. This left Autumn feeling alone and helpless. Jamie wasn’t keeping up with schoolwork and couldn’t handle the transition between in-person and virtual learning. He began acting out at school and Autumn feared he would be expelled.
They were reeling. She knew it, but she didn’t know what to do. Fortunately, your powerful support of Thornwell’s Building Families program would change the course of their lives.
One day at work, Jamie’s school called alerting Autumn of another behavior outburst. Autumn grabbed her keys and let her boss know she had to leave, again. She hoped to have a part-time job to come back to. Sitting in her front seat, she noticed her gas gauge was below a quarter tank. She gripped the steering wheel in frustration, knowing she had to choose between food or gas until her next payday.
Autumn arrived at the school and began to pray before walking through the doors, “Father, give me the guidance, the wisdom, and the strength to see your plan.”
She was ushered into the social workers’ office, where she was greeted by Pam. For years, Pam has been very familiar with Thornwell’s programs and services. She’s referred several children and families who’ve found hope and healing. Seeing the distressed look in Autumn’s eyes, she knew Thornwell’s Building Families program could help.
Because of your selfless giving, Autumn was able to connect with a Thornwell family specialist who took the time to listen to their needs. Soon, the specialist was working with them in their family home to implement a personalized treatment plan. She first worked with them to support their physical needs, connecting them to a local food pantry, housing services, and community resources. For the first time in a long time, Autumn felt she could breathe a little deeper.
Next, they set goals that Autumn and Jamie worked to accomplish, together. Autumn learned new ways of parenting that helped her to correct Jamie’s misbehavior through positive techniques such as creating healthy boundaries and responding calmly. Fun activities were used to keep Jamie engaged and nurture their bond. Autumn also learned to allow personal time for herself. Every day she began carving out a portion of her day just for herself to help her to heal and better manage stress.
By the end of the program, Autumn felt a powerful improvement in her relationship with Jamie. Jamie felt freer to communicate with his mom to make her aware of his needs. Because Autumn was also taking time to practice self-care, she found herself more available to meet Jamie’s needs instead of getting frustrated. Jamie’s behavior even changed at school! In fact, Jamie’s teacher wrote Autumn an email letting her know that Jamie now has the best manners in his class!
This is the life change that you create thanks to your loving support and generosity to Thornwell’s mission. Because you care, a mother learned she’s not alone and a family is stronger, together! Thank you!